import atmPy.aerosols.size_distribution.sizedistribution as atmsd

SizeDist (a single size distribution)

Create instance

simulate a sizedistribution

sd = atmsd.simulate_sizedistribution(diameter=[10, 2500],

format your own data

atmsd.SizeDist(data, bins, distType)

data should have a similar structure as below. However, column names are not required as they are calculated based on bins

bincenters 10.286785 10.876803 11.500663 12.160306 12.857784 13.595267 14.375049 15.199558 16.071358 16.993162 ... 1472.324349 1556.772354 1646.064038 1740.477219 1840.305650 1945.859933 2057.468486 2175.478563 2300.257336 2432.193036
0 8.067904e-08 1.653171e-07 3.338144e-07 6.642360e-07 0.000001 0.000003 0.000005 0.000009 0.000017 0.00003 ... 0.000049 0.000027 0.000015 0.000008 0.000004 0.000002 0.000001 5.883500e-07 2.949072e-07 1.456683e-07

1 rows × 99 columns

bins are the binedges. For an example of how they should be formatted look again to the sizedistribution generated above

array([  10.        ,   10.57356931,   11.18003679,   11.82128938,
         12.49932225,   13.21624501,   13.97428826,   14.77581054,
         15.62330568,   16.51941053,   17.46691322,   18.46876174,
         19.52807323,   20.64814357,   21.8324577 ,   23.08470046,
         24.40876803,   25.80878004,   27.28909244,   28.85431102,
         30.50930573,   32.25922586,   34.10951604,   36.06593318,
         38.1345644 ,   40.32184597,   42.63458328,   45.07997211,
         47.66562094,   50.39957465,   53.29033955,   56.34690986,
         59.57879565,   62.99605249,   66.6093127 ,   70.42981842,
         74.46945662,   78.74079607,   83.25712644,   88.03249966,
         93.08177363,   98.42065845,  104.06576532,  110.03465819,
        116.34590844,  123.01915263,  130.07515362,  137.53586517,
        145.42450023,  153.76560319,  162.58512621,  171.91050999,
        181.77076917,  192.19658255,  203.22038858,  214.87648629,
        227.20114199,  240.23270211,  254.01171251,  268.58104466,
        283.98602898,  300.27459591,  317.49742505,  335.7081028 ,
        354.96328913,  375.32289384,  396.85026299,  419.61237596,
        443.68005385,  469.12817988,  496.0359323 ,  524.48703081,
        554.56999699,  586.37842978,  620.01129664,  655.57324151,
        693.17491038,  732.93329556,  774.97209967,  819.42212055,
        866.42165819,  916.11694505,  968.66260102, 1024.22211453,
       1082.9683512 , 1145.08409168, 1210.76260037, 1280.20822673,
       1353.63704105, 1431.27750677, 1513.37119129, 1600.17351757,
       1691.95455884, 1788.99987893, 1891.6114207 , 2000.10844554,
       2114.8285267 , 2236.12859958, 2364.38607231, 2500.        ])

To see options for the distType argument see help file. This is what our generated was:


create the instance

sdc = atmsd.SizeDist(sd.data, sd.bins, sd.distributionType)


You can add two sizedistributions.

sdnew = sd + sdc


Most attributes and methods of a SizeDist are in the form of paroperties. It is worth checking the namespace and find out what there is, including particle, mass, volume concentrations, growth simulation, mode extrapolation. Some of the properties have setters which will take care of implicit changes to the size distribution.



(<Figure size 1280x960 with 1 Axes>,
 <Axes: xlabel='Particle diameter (nm)', ylabel='$\\mathrm{d}N\\,/\\,\\mathrm{d}D_{P}$ (nm$^{-1}\\,$cm$^{-3}$)'>)

Moment conversion

sd = sd.convert2dNdlogDp()
(<Figure size 1280x960 with 1 Axes>,
 <Axes: xlabel='Particle diameter (nm)', ylabel='$\\mathrm{d}N\\,/\\,\\mathrm{d}log(D_{P})$ (cm$^{-3}$)'>)

optical properties


sd.optical_properties.parameters.refractive_index = 1.5
sd.optical_properties.parameters.wavelength = 500
sd.optical_properties.extinction_coeff # explore namespace for more Mie results
0 0.000086


sd.optical_properties.parameters.refractive_index = 1.5
sd.optical_properties.parameters.wavelength = 500
sd.optical_properties.parameters.asphericity = 5
sd.optical_properties.scattering_coeff # explore namespace for more Mie results

hygroscopic growth

GOTCHA you can loose particles when applying growth!!! See help of sd.grow_sizedistribution function! There are functions that extrapolate size distributions assuming normal distributions. Consider using those.

<module 'atmPy.aerosols.size_distribution.sizedistribution' from '/export/htelg/prog/atm-py/atmPy/aerosols/size_distribution/sizedistribution.py'>
sd = atmsd.SizeDist(sd.data, sd.bins, sd.distributionType)
sd.hygroscopicity.parameters.kappa = 0.6
sd.hygroscopicity.parameters.RH = 80
f,a = sd.plot()
sd.hygroscopicity.grown_size_distribution.plot(ax= a)
/export/htelg/prog/atm-py/atmPy/aerosols/size_distribution/diameter_binning.py:53: NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See https://numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/deprecation.html#deprecation-of-object-mode-fall-back-behaviour-when-using-jit for details.
  def match_bins(index, columns, df_match):
/export/htelg/prog/atm-py/atmPy/aerosols/size_distribution/diameter_binning.py:81: NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See https://numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/deprecation.html#deprecation-of-object-mode-fall-back-behaviour-when-using-jit for details.
  def match2data(data, df_match,new_data):
(<Figure size 1280x960 with 1 Axes>,
 <Axes: xlabel='Particle diameter (nm)', ylabel='Particle number in bin'>)
[ ]: